LIKE NEW – Piekfyn Afrikaans Graad 8 Leerderboek vir Eerste Addisionele Taal
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About this book:
Piekfyn Afrikaans Grade 8 Leerderboek is aimed at learners who take Afrikaans as their First Additional Language.
It contains interesting study material and full-colour illustrations to promote visual literacy. All the language content, activities, games, and other exercises are integrated with those of other subjects so that the knowledge that the learners acquire enriches their world of experience and thus prepares them thoroughly for Grade 9.
The activities are aimed at learning all the language skills and life skills. Short texts, pictures, poems, comics, language games, stories, slogans, and lots of other fun reading will interest learners and improve and teach the skills needed for Grade 9.
Learners are continuously exposed to listening, speaking, reading, watching, writing, and they are challenged to use Afrikaans FAL language structures playfully, creatively, fluently and expressively. Sections such as Pitkos, In ’n neutedop, Taalgids (Language Guide) and Letterkundegids (Literature Guide) prepare learners for any type of task. The Core Reader will further improve on skills and forms part of the programme.
Use with the Best Books’ Eksamenhulp Grade 8 Taal- en leesoefenboek to practise and to inculcate skills.