Collins – KS3 Geography All-in-One Complete Revision and Practice: Ideal for Years 7, 8 and 9
Level: KS3
Subject: Geography
Complete revision and practice covering the KS3 course
This all-in-one KS3 Geography study and practice book is your one-stop shop for KS3 Geography! Excellent value for money, it combines a full revision guide and workbook in one book.
Clear and concise revision notes, plus seven practice opportunities for every topic. For even more practice QR codes link directly from the topics in the revision guide to online interactive quick recall quizzes and to worked solution videos in the workbook.
- quick tests to check understanding
- end of topic practice questions
- topic review questions later in book
- mixed practice questions at end of book
- online quick recall quizzes for every topic
- online video solutions for every topic
- free Q&A flash cards to download online
- more topic-by-topic practice and mixed practice questions in the added workbook!
- now with free ebook – visit and follow the step-by-step instructions
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