ISBN: 9781920701161Recommended for Grade 1 This series of workbooks introduces Afrikaans as an additional language to young learners. Stap vir stap Afrikaans Werkboek 1 deals with everyday words, sounds of the alphabet, themes and basic sentence construction. A4 book of 64 pages.
ISBN: 9781920701178Recommended for Grade 2 Stap vir stap Afrikaans Werkboek 2 is an extension of Stap vir stap Afrikaans Werkboek 1, dealing with the following topics: everyday words, sounds of the alphabet, themes, basic grammar and sentence construction. On completion of Stap vir stap Afrikaans Werkboek 1 & 2 the learners should have a good, solid…
ISBN: 9781920008222Recommended for Grades 1/2 This workbook follows on from Workbook 1, and introduces necessary sounds required in Grade 1. B5 book of 72 pages.
ISBN: 9781770322745
ISBN: 9781920461157
ISBN: 9789814431873ISBN: 9789814431873 Introduction The Targeting Mathematics series uses the Concrete-Pictorial-Abstract (CPA) approach to mathematics teaching and learning. This allows teachers to introduce mathematical concepts to suit a range of cognitive levels. Concrete materials introduce young learners to mathematical concepts through real-world experiences. This enhances pupils’ understanding and helps to build confidence in mathematics. Pictorial examples…