ISBN: 9781108746588You will develop your English skills as you discover contemporary fiction, write about urban pollution and discuss autobiographies. You’ll find a wide range of international fiction, non-fiction, poetry and drama throughout the book to help you develop your understanding of different genres and text types. Each unit is packed with activities that cover reading, writing,…
ISBN: 9781108742788From discovering how air resistance helps planes land, to making your own circuits, Cambridge Lower Secondary Science gets you thinking like a scientist! Packed with opportunities to plan experiments, make predictions and gather results, the series helps you think and work scientifically. Each unit ends with a project, like making a model of a volcanic…
ISBN: 9781108742818These workbooks are full of activities to help you practise what you have learnt and encourage you to think and work scientifically. Focus, Practice and Challenge exercises provide clear progression so you can see what you have achieved. Your teacher may use them in the classroom, or to set your homework. Look Inside pages and…
ISBN: 9780992241322Afrikaans Eerste Addisionele Taal | Teksboek en Werkboek | Graad 7 Voorbeelde van tekste in die Graad 7-Werkboek is: • Maak geld uit jou stokperdjie (‘n Begriptoets) • Rekenaarspeletjies (‘n Sluitingsoefening) • Sam spaar water in haar tuin (‘n Taaloefening) • Worshondjie te koop (‘n Taaloefening) • My nee is my ja (‘n Begripstoets) • Só…
ISBN: 9781108746625With varied activities – including quizzes, completing sentences and identifying words – these workbooks help you practise what you have learnt. Focus, Practice and Challenge exercises provide clear progression through each topic, helping you see what you’ve achieved. Ideal for use in the classroom or for homework. Links to ‘Language focus’ boxes in the Learner’s…
ISBN: 9781108746366
ISBN: 9781108771436Whether you’re learning about integers, fractions and probability or collecting data, graphs and decimals, this series helps you develop your mathematical thinking skills. You’ll be fully supported with worked examples and plenty of practice exercises while projects throughout the series provide opportunities for deeper investigation of mathematical ideas and concepts, such as sequences or placing…
ISBN: 9781108790512ISBN:9781108790512 Format:Paperback Subject(s):Global Perspectives Author(s):Keely Laycock Available from:February 2020 This learner’s skills book for Stage 7 has been created to help students develop key 21st century skills. Written by experienced teacher and author, Keely Laycock, students are encouraged to reflect on topics at a personal, national and global level, while developing skills for their future…