ISBN: LIKE NEW - 9780620325837LIKE NEW – In excellent condition Grades: 5 to 12 + Tertiary Publisher: Berlut Books cc Author: Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle Pincus Format: Softcover ISBN: 9780620325837 Edition: 1ST – April 2002 Audience: Schools/All Educational Institutions/Libraries Description  Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference Book A comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and…
ISBN: USED - 9780620325837USED – In excellent condition Grades: 5 to 12 + Tertiary Publisher: Berlut Books cc Author: Beryl Lutrin and Marcelle Pincus Format: Softcover ISBN: 9780620325837 Edition: 1ST – April 2002 Audience: Schools/All Educational Institutions/Libraries Description  Teachers’ Handbook, Students’ Textbook, Home Reference Book A comprehensive reference book and set of notes that covers everything in one book. Covers the basics and fills…
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ISBN: USED - 9780636136106-1The cover is worn out but in fair condition inside
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ISBN: 9780796049421Your Shuters Top Class English First Additional Language Grade 5 Learner’s Book: • covers all the work you are expected to learn in this Grade • is written in simple language to help you learn and understand your work easily • has pictures and other illustrations to help you understand your work better • explains…
ISBN: LIKE NEW - 9781485701101The Smart-Kids Grammar and Spelling range has been created especially for South African children. They are written according to the South African curriculum. Children, parents and teachers will find them easy to use to revise and consolidate grammar rules. The Smart-Kids Skills Grammar and Spelling Books include: A comprehensive table of contents to quickly find the right topic An introductory…
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ISBN: USED - 9781770023772About this book: An integrated language textbook for Grade 6 learners taking English as their Home Language. English for Life Grade 6 offers a range of thought-provoking, often humorous texts with integrated activities through which learners will also improve their language use in some of their other subjects. These texts will assist learners to understand…